Friends, I get asked quite a lot about how I came up with Sparrow's name and I thought this was a good place to share the answer.
Firstly, coming up with a business name is H.A.R.D. I know all you business owners out there will agree that it's no picnic coming up with something that's easy to spell, easy to remember, not already taken, can be married (ha! see what I did there?) with a recognisable logo, and all the other considerations that go along with it.
So I knew where I wanted my career to head next, and I had this business all planned out in my mind, I just needed a name for my baby. So I started doing my research and digging around online. I came up with all kinds of cute, cheesy, funny, dodgy, catchy and just-plain-awful names and played around with them for a bit, but nothing really stuck. Folks, I'm not going to lie, I was not having fun at this point. But I still wanted to launch this business so I had to get over my melodramatic meltdown and push forward.
And then, I found Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of Love. She's beautiful (as all brides are), and sacred to her were myrtle, roses, doves and sparrows. Ah-ha! It all came together very easily after that. I had a graphic designer form my ideas into the logo you see today and very quickly I couldn't imagine any other identity for my business. Oh, and the colour? It's just my fave :)
About the only one not pleased with Sparrow's evolution is my trusty office assistant. Dash is a Brittany Spaniel with a very high opinion of himself who thought his face should be on the business card. (He pops up on Sparrow's Instagram feed now and then if you'd like to meet him). I had to tell him that of course he's extremely cute but not quite right for this particular project, he's destined for bigger things. He still gets a long walk and lots of cuddles every day so he's pretty well reconciled to it now.
Well that's the story, onwards and upwards my friends!
Love, Emma xo